Selasa, 29 Desember 2009


Emerald: A form of beryl mineral salts, acquires a green color to the presence of trace amounts of chromium or iron, the Emerald of the gemstones, and compared the weights is the highest value among gems, especially when peppered with the veins of the other mineral salts, and salts Beryl hardness between 8 and 10 on the Moh scale of hardness materials. Aquamarine net is composed of aluminum silicate. Back to the green color to the existence of AIDS groups minutes of chromium in the crystals. The value of the Emerald in color and clarity of and free from cracks and purity of impurities.

In the Pharaonic times was a desert Nuba famous emerald mines, which were exported to the lack of emerald rulers of Persia, India, Byzantium, and discovered quantities of it in the tombs and temples in Mexico, Peru and Colombia were completely looted by Europeans, and the Emperor Nero loves Rumi Watch Wrestling slaves through the development of large emerald.

Most of the emerald crystals containing cobalt-minute sometimes called Lester. It also includes multiple exotic particles. The full emeralds are very rare, and if found to be more expensive than diamonds. And Emerald Blue Emerald expensive than a yellow.

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